HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2023-03-06 RegularMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY (^F FRIENDSWOOD MARCH 6, 2023 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD MET IN A REGULAR MEETING ON MONDAY, MARCH 6,2023, AT 6:00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, FRIENDSWOOD CITY HALL, LOCATED AT 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, WITH THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS PRESENT CONSTITUTING a! QUORUM: Steve Rockey Sally Branson Trish Hanks Robert J. Griffon John Scott Brent Erenwert Councilmember Councilmember Coimcilmember Councilmember Councilmember Mayor Pro Tern Mike Foreman Mayor Morad Kabiri Karen Homer Leticia Brysch City Manager City Attorney City Secretary 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Foreman called the meeting to order with a quorum present at 6:00 P.M.; all members were present with the exception of Councilmember Hanks who arrived late. 2. INVOCATION The invocation was led by Senior Pastor James Bass with Friendswood Methodist Church. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - United States and State of Texas Mayor Foreman led the Pledge of Allegiance of the United States and to the State of Texas. 4. COUNCIL FOR A DAY A. Consider a proclamation declaring March 10, 2023, as Wedgewood Elementary School Day in the City of Friendswood, Texas. Mayor Foreman introduced the students and teachers from. Wedgewood Elementary. He noted that the Council for a Day Program allows for second graders from the three elementary schools in Friendswood to “take over” the council dais and sit-in for the council and staff members. The participants included the following: ' ~ StiidehfName T .Teacher NamePositionT r Councilmember 1 (Rockey) Carson Stephen Avery Long City Council Regular Meeting Minutes March 6, 2023 Page 2 of15 Councilmember 2 (Branson) Jude Pratt Kathlein Tavera Councilmember 3 D’Kylor Frank Alexis Nettles (Hanks) Mayor (Foreman) Councilmember 4 Scarlette Garcia Kathlein Tavera Sarah Sandoval Alexis Nettles (Griffon) Councilmember 5 (Scott) Mayor Pro Tern (Erenwert) Paisley Buford Cadence Jordan Lesly Chavez Karli Anderson City Attorney (Homer) City Manager (Kabiri) City Secret^ (Brysch) Andrea Gascar Ayery Long Lesiy Chayez Karli Anderson Michael Emig Crosby Peterman A motion was made by Councilmember Carson Stephen (Steve Rockey) and seconded by Councilmember Jude Pratt (Sally Branson) proclaiming March 10, 2023, as Wedgewood Elementary School Day in the City of Friendswood. The vote was the following: Ayes: Scarlette Garcia (Mike Foreman), Councilmember Carson Stephen (Steve Rockey), Councilmember Sarah Sandoval (Robert J. Griffon), pouncilmember Paisley Buford (John Scott) and Mayor Pro Tern Candence Jordan (Brent Erenwek). Nays: None. Absent: Councilmember D’Kylor Frank (Trish Hanks) and Councilmember Jude Pratt (Sally Branson) i The item passed. Mayor Foreman recessed the meeting at 6:15p.m. for the Council for a Day reception. Mayor Foreman reconvened the meeting at 6:24 p.m. 5. COUNCIL COMMENTS AND REPORTS A. Present an update on Houston-Galveston Area Council Year In Review. Councilmember Rockey stated that he had recently attended a tour of the Public Safety Facility’s renovations and was very impressed with the workmanship and progress of the project. Councilmember Hanks stated that she had also attended the Public Safety Building’s tour and was also very happy with the progress. She also noted that Ms. Martha Conrad was set to be appointed onto the Plarming and Zoning Commission and felt she would do a good job, she also mentioned that the pollinator garden has started to bloom and thanked KFB committee. ' Councilmember Griffon stated that he was looking forward fo hearing the drainage project updates from Deputy Director of Engineering, Ms. Samantha Haritos. ; City Council Regular Meeting Minutes March 6,2023 Page 3 of15 Councilmember Branson stated that Mayor Foreman had requested that she give an overview of the work completed by H-GAC in the last year, so she introduced a video highlighting said work. Mayor Foreman stated that Councilmember Branson had served as the Chairperson on the H-GAC Board of Directors, and she had done a wonderful job representing City Council and the City of Friendswood over the last five years, and if you didn’t know since we are city over 25,000 residents, means we have one member on the board, with the exception of Houston and Harris County, each have two members. 6. PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. John Adam Hill requested to speak before the Council; regarding his candidacy for the position of Councilmember, Position No. 5, at the May 6, 2023, General Election. Ms. Rosanne Scott requested to speak before the Council regarding on-street parking on FM 518 related to the Chara Dance Class. She requested “No Parking at Any time” signs on Hunters Lane, as she felt it was a safety concern. Mr. Gerry Corona requested to speak before the Council regarding safety concerns for cars lining up to pick up children or drop off their kids on the street near Chara Dance Studio. There are young drivers that need to be able to come in and out of the subdivision, which is congested by the parked drivers. He also requested “No Parking at Any time” signs. Mr. Don Scott requested to speak before the Council regarding safety concerns for cars lining up to pick up children or drop off their kids on the street near Chara Dance Studio that impact the intersection of Hinters Lane and FM 518. Mr. John Peimy requested to speak before the Coimcil regarding the same safety concerns; i.e., parking and lighting issues related to Chara Dance Studio parking. He also recommended the “No Parking Anytime” signs in the area to keep children from being hamied. Ms. Rosalie Murphy requested to speak before the Council in regard to selecting the Grand Marshal to the 4“* of July Parade. She wanted to recommend her father who is a World War II Merchant Marine Veteran. He was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor last May. He is lives in Friendswood and would like for him to be considered. i Mr. Joe Matranga requested to speak before the Council regarding his candidacy for the position left open by Councilmember Scott, Councilmember, Positions No. 5 at the May 6,2023, General Election. Councilmember Rockey asked that the City Manager to bring back an item to discuss at a future meeting the options related to “on street parking” on Hunters Lane. City Manager Morad Kabiri stated that he can bring an item back for discussion; however, he noted that {he had spoken to the Police, Fire Marshal, Community Development, and Engineering about the need for the elimination of on-street parking in this area, and their consensus was that the circumstances and facts do not call for the prohibition of on-street parking at this location. Mr. Kabiri stated that in order to Iplace a prohibition of any sort on a public roadway, we have to have a warrant that's justified by a study and nothing warrants restricting parking at this location to allow for people to be legally towed. City Council Regular Meeting Minutes March 6,2023 Page 4 of 15 7. COMMITTEES OR SPECIAL REPORTS I A. Receive the Planning & Zoning Commission Annual Report. Planning and Zoning Commission Chainnan Tom Hinkley presented the item and stated that in the last few years there have been some changes on the Commission as it relates to its membership but felt that all the new members have brought another level of expertise! and understanding of these complex issues. Mr. Hinkley noted that following Planning and Zoning accomplishments for 2022: • Recommendation to Coimcil to Amend the Garden Home District Zoning Regulations, • Recommendation to Council to Amend the Plan Unit Development Criteria, • Worked on updating the Comprehensive Plan to incoporate the 2020 Census Data, • Conducted annual review of the Permitted Use Tablej- no changes made, • Worked on Sidewalk Fund, eliminating the sidewaUci fund which enabled Public Works to install sidewalks that were never installed, • Key 2023 Projects - continue updating the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinances, the Permitted Use Table4, setback requirements for abandoned oil \yells, overhead/undergrormd utilities, review and update Sign Ordinances, and lastly review, recommend updates to the Design Criteria Manual parking standards. B. Receive the Zoning Board of Adjustment Annual Report. Mayor Foreman stated that the ZBOA’s annual report was attached to the agenda packet for the Council’s review. Mayor Foreman thanked the ZBOA members for all their hard work in the previous year. 8. WORK SESSION A. Receive and discuss an update regarding the drainage projects in the City of Friendswood. Deputy Director Samantha Haritos presented the item and gave the following updates on the City’s ongomg drainage projects: i Frenchman’s Creek Green Space Project: This project is a Community Block Grant Development Project (CDBG). Buildings 1-5 have been purchased, they are in the process of being demolished or will be soon, and after that, the HOA will need to turn over the property in order for the City to close out the project. Mayor Foreman asked who does the HOA duties after all the tenants move out? City Manager Morad Kabiri stated that ultimately the last owner, in conjunction with the predominant owners, the City of Friendswood and Galveston County will represent the Homeowner’s Association. Forest Bend Offline Detention Project: As of February 20i23, 35,000 cubic yards have been excavated at this site. The project is 40% complete with Trails A, B and C being almost complete. Staff is looking at a fall completion, and is waiting on the General Land Office (GLO) to approve $300,000 in extra funding, that will come from Harris County Community Services Department. Three Detention Basins Along Coward’s Creek: This is lproject is part of an interlocal project with Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District. Geotech has been completed and currently the City Council Regular Meeting Minutes March 6,2023 Page 5 of 15 hydraulic and hydrology analysis is in progress. Once this stage is completed, staff will have a better idea of what the ofQine detention pond layouts will look, and it wUl be at this time that the engineering design can begin. Friendswood Regional Storm Water Detention Basin: This project has been given an official name, the Friendswood Regional Storm Water Detention Basin and staff is hopeful that this project will receive a $10 million allocation from the State of Texas that is pending award. If this funding sources comes through, then the interlocal agreement for this project will include the Whitcomb Offline Detention Project. The notices for the first public meeting related to this project have been sent out, and the meeting is scheduled for March 28, 2023, at 6:30P.M. The meeting will be a virtual meeting, and everyone is invited to attend. At this point, a lot of the environmental studies for this project, have been completed; however, the Federal Aviation Administration required additional evaluations to review the project’s impact on the flight patterns of birds, which could potentially fly in proximity to the airport as a result of this project. Master Drainage Plan: Currently, staff is working on an i interlocal agreement for an update Master Drainage Plan, which should be executed early summer 2023. This agreement will also include a Comprehensive Urban and Riverine Flood Mitigation Plan. Cjnce the agreement is finalized and executed, staff will put out for a Request for Qualifications for a Regional Master Drainage Plan, probably around mid to late summer 2023. Friendswood FMA 2022 C&CB Project Scoping for Ijlood Mitigation Project (FMA = Flood Mitigation Assistance): Staff is working on putting in a grant request application for a scoping project for the Whitcomb and Blackhawk Detention Projects, which include the following: • The FMA Estimated Cost of the project is $175,840, 90% Federal Share and 10% local share. The City of Friendswood would be responsible for about $17,584. • This project may reduce the 100-year flooding elevations by up to 1-foot. • The project includes Inline and Offline Detention. • Could potentially pursue additional flood mitigation grants for a full project once the cost benefit analysis has been done. Mr. Kabul stated that, if for whatever reason, the interlocal ag|reement doesn't come through with the State of Texas funding for the FM 1959, and the Friendswood Regional Detention Basin or the Whitcomb property, the city has another opportunity for funding through the FMA grants. The Engineering staff is working hard to try to identify all funding options knowing that each one may or may not come through because these projects involve multiple partners and funding sources that are not guaranteed. Council thanked Ms. Haritos for the update and the Engineering Department’s hard work. 9. CITY MANAGER’S REPORT A. Recognize the 34th consecutive Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the FY21 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report. City Council Regular Meeting Minutes March 6,2023 Page 6 of15 City Manager Morad Kabiri presented the item and stated that Administrative Services Office led by Katina Hampton has secured our 34th, and let that sink into you, thirty-four years in a row, they've secured the Government Finance Officers Association Award for Excellence in financial reporting. B. Recognize the Friendswood Library for receiving the Texas Municipal Library Directors Association’s Achievement of Excellence in Libraries Award for 2022. City Manager Morad Kabiri presented the item and stated that; this is the 9th year in a row that the Library has received this recognition. He further noted that there are only 73 out of the 542 public libraries (top, 15%) in the State of Texas, that receive this recognition, so well done. C. Present an update of the Greater Harris County 9-1-1 Emergency Network Overview. City Manager Morad Kabiri presented the item and stated that The Greater Harris County 911 recently published their annual statistics for dispatching services related to 911 calls; the State has a standard time firame in which 90% of the 911 calls have to be answered within 15 seconds. The City of Friendswood was recognized for answering 99.6% of its calls within 15 seconds. Well done to the team of dispatchers. D. Recognize Keep Friendswood Beautiful for receiving the Gold Star recognition for 2023 from Keep Texas Beautiful. City Manager Morad Kabiri presented the item and stated that the folks in Keep Friendswood Beautiful, the volimteers, and staff that spend countless hours in the commimity, keeping the parks and various landscape improvements throughout the community beautifuli, and always looking nice, were recognized by the parent organization. Keep Texas Beautiful, as a Gold Star Affiliate. He noted that only 70 out of 300 Keep Texas Beautiful affiliates received this designation,; so well done to KFB. 10. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Consider approving the Friendswood Library Long-Range Strategic Plan. This item approves the Friendswood Library Long-Range Strategic Plan, which was approved by the Library Board on January 17,2023. The long-range plan serves as a primary tool for library development and to maintain library accreditation with the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC). A motion was made by Councihnember Rockey and seconded by Councilmember Hanks, to approve the Friendswood Library Long-Range Strategic Plan. The vote was the following: Ayes: Mayor Mike Foreman, Coimcihnember Trish Hanks, Councilmember Steve Rockey, Councihnember Sally Branson, Councilmember Robert J. Griffon, Councilmember John Scott, and Mayor Pro Tern Brent Erenwert. Nays: None. The item passed unanimously. City Council Regular Meeting Minutes March 6,2023 Page 7 of 15 B. Consider approving the expenditures described |in Friendswood Downtown Economic Development Corporation's Resolution No. 2023-01, which authorizes Change Order No. 1 with Pfeiffer & Sons, Ltd, and establishes an owner's contingency for the FM 518 Illumination Project. This item approves expenditures described in the Friendswood Downtown Economic Development Coiporation’s (FDEDC) Resolution No. 2023-02, which approved Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $21,500.00 and authorized an owner's contingency in the ^ount of $213,547.00, for use by the City Manager for changes in the scope of the work in order to accomplish the FM 518 Illumination Project approved by the Board and the City Council. A motion was made by Councilmember Branson and seconded by Councihnember Hanks to approve the expenditures described in Friendswood Downtown Economic Development Corporation's Resolution No. 2023-01. The vote was the following: Ayes: Mayor Mike Foreman, Councihnember Trish Hanks, Councilmember Steve Rockey, Councilmember Sally Branson, Councilmember Robert J. Griffon, Councilmember John Scott, and Mayor Pro Tern Brent Erenwert. Nays: None. The item passed unanimously. C. Consider approving a contract with Audio Visual Technologies Group, Inc., for an audio-visual solution for the training room at the Public Safety Building through BuyBoard. This item approves a contract with Audio Visual Technologies Group, Inc., for an audio-visual solution for the training room at the Public Safety Building. I The scope of work associated with this contract includes installation and integration of audiovisual systems for the City's Public Safety Building Training and Conference Rooms, to include programming and owner training of a complete audiovisual system with projectors, screens, flat screen displays, speakers, microphones, cameras and all associated components in four spaces used by the Police Department for training and conferencing. Funding will be provided by the Police Departments FFE funds associated with the Public Safety Building Expansion Project. This purchase will be made through the City's cooperative purchasing agreement with BuyBoard. A motion was made by Cormcilmember Hanks and seconded by Councilmember Scott to approve a contract with the Audio Visual Technologies Group, Inc. The vote was the following: i Ayes: Mayor Mike Foreman, Cormcilmember Trish Hanks, Councilmember Steve Rockey, Councilmember Sally Branson, Mayor Pro Tern Robert J. Griffon, Councilmember John Scott, and Mayor Pro Tern Brent Erenwert. City Council Regular Meeting Minutes March 6.2023 Page 8 of IS Nays: None. The item passed unanimously. D. Consider awarding the 2023 Tank Rehabilitation Project to CFG Industries, LLC (Bid 2023- 01). This item awards the 2023 Tank Rehabilitation Proj ect to CFG Industries, LLC, for Bid 2023-01, for work to be done on four water tanks within the City of Friendswodd’s water distribution system that have been pegged for routine maintenance and rehabilitation. The work will include interior and exterior paint blasting and re-coating, repair of rusted and corroded ladders, metal plates, and appurtenances, and structural repairs. This bid was previously awarded to the lowest bidder; however, the City terminated that contract as such bidder was unable to overcome various hurdles. CFG Industries was the second lowest bidder with a bid in the amount of $1,918,375. Funding for the project will come from the 2021 Water/Sewer Bond Series. A motion was made by Councilmember Rockey and secondpd by Councilmember Branson to award the 2023 Tank Rehabilitation Project to CFG Industries, LLC (Bid 2023-01). The vote was the following: Ayes: Mayor Mike Foreman, Councilmember Trish Hanks, Councilmember Steve Rockey, Councilmember Sally Branson, Councilmember Robert J. Griffon, Councilmember John Scott, and Mayor Pro Tern Brent Erenwert. Nays: None. The item passed unanimously. 11. PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS & ORDINANCES A. Consider a resolution adopting the City Council's Reimbursement Policy. This resolution adopts the City Council's Reimbursement Pplicy, which will replace the current policy which was most recently adopted on November 17, 2008. The purpose of the policy is to establish rules and procedures concerning reimbursement of expenses for City Councilmembers while conducting City business in accordance With Section 3.04 of the Charter. The following is a summary of some of the changes: Section Possible Amendment Clarifies that the per diem will be paid for meals occurring during the specified time away from the City,, ,, States that alcohol is not a reimbursable expense. 2.01 2.01 Increases the amotmt for tips, tolls, parking and fpes not requiring a receipt from $10.00 to $15.00. i2.01 Omits any reference to expenses of spouses, as such expenses will be reimbursable only to the extent allowed by state law.t2.01 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes March 6,2023 Page 9 of 15 Adds miscellaneous expenses which may be reiipbursed by the City upon request with proper documentation, including: - 1. Mileage in personal vehicle while driving on City business and not associated with out-of-town travel ($50.00/month max)'; 2. Telephone expenses related to City business ($35.00 max); and 3. Other expenses approved in writing by 'the Mayor. States that free transportation or lodging in exchange for points, etc., will not be reimbursed. Establishes a seven (7) day timeline by which Cbuncilmembers must submit expenses. 2.02 3 4 A motion was made by Councilmember Hanks and seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Erenwert to approve Resolution No. 2023-8, related to Item 11 .A, as submitted. The vote was the following: Ayes: Mayor Mike Foreman, Councilmember Irish Hanks, Councilmember Steve Rockey, Councilmember Sally Branson, Councilmember Robert J. Griffon, Councilmember John Scott, and Mayor Pro Tern Brent Erenwert. ' Nays: None. The item passed unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 2023-8 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, ADOPTING THE CITY COUNCIL'S REIMBURSEMENT POLICY; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE, CONTADsflNG A SAVINGS CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE. B. Consider an ordinance amending the City’s General Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 by approving “Budget Amendment V” and providing for supplemental appropriation and/or transfer of certain funds. This ordinance approves budget amendments for the following: 1. Public Works - Sanitary Sewer Phase IV Construction, $1,368,119. Appropriate funding as part of the long-range sanitary sewer assessment and rehabilitation program. Public Works will execute Phase IV (Construction & Rehabilitation) based on the findings of Phase n which was part of an assessment phase. The Phase II Study Report outlines the recommended rehabilitation to assist in reducing sewer inflows to basin FM-08. The contract was awarded at the December 5, 2022 City Council meeting. The funding source will be 2018 Water Sewer Bond Construction funds and will include the schedule of values subtotal of $1,115,095 plus an additional $253,024 in owner’s contingency. 2. Engineering Department - Vehicle Insurance Reimbursement, $863. Appropriate insurance reimbursements received from Texas Municipal Lea^e Intergovernmental Risk Pool. The service vehicle was damaged and requires repairs to be I placed back in service. Funding will be appropriated to the Engineering Department Capital Projects division vehicle maintenance accoimt for repairs made to unit PW84. City Council Regular Meeting Minutes March 6,2023 Page 10 of 15 3. Police Department - Vehicle Insurance Reimbursement, $5,506. Appropriate supplemental insurance reimbursements received from Texas Muilicipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool. The emergency response vehicles were damaged in the line of duty and require repairs to be placed back in service. Funding will be appropriated to the Police Department Patrol division vehicle maintenance account for repairs made to units P427 & P430. 4. Community Rating System - Transfer, $ 11,000. Transfer funds from the Engineering Department to the Community Development Department for a Community Rating System (CRS) consultation. Staff initially planned to transition this responsibility from Community Development to Engineering, but the transition has not come to fruition this fiscal year. Additionally, the cost of completing the consultation has increased substantially. Therefore, funding is also being transferred between accoimts within the Code Enforcement Division. 5. Friendswood Public Library - Donation, $60. Appiropriate directed donation received for the purchase of books in memorial. The funding source will be unassigned general fund balance. Funds will be appropriated to the Library’s operating;budget. 6. Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery, Reimbursement, $26,280. Appropriate funds received from the CDBG-DR (Galjveston County) grant program for assistance provided to homeowners during the Frenchman’s Creek acquisition. The City received a reimbursement of $28,712.76 for actual relocation assistance costs. Advance funding, based on an estimate, was originally approved at the August 2, 2021, City Council meeting in the amount of $26,280. Therefore, the funds will be appropriated back to imassigned general fund balance. 7. Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery, Reimbursement, $996,000. Appropriate funds received from the CDBG-DR (Galveston County) grant program for acquisition of Frenchman’s Creek, Building #4. The City received a reimbursement of $995,696.92 for actual acquisition costs. Advance funding, based on an estimate, was originally approved at the September 12, 2022, City Council meeting in the anoimt of $996,000. Therefore, the funds will be appropriated back to the 2021 General Obligation Bonds. 8. Fire Marshal’s Office - Transfer, $4,336. Transfer tods from the Fire Marshal’s Office to the Construction in Progress Division for additional renlovations needed in the Fire Marshal’s suite within the Public Safety Building Renovation project. The funding is being transferred from the Contract Services account. 9. Public, Educational, and Governmental Access (PEG) - Refund, $822. Appropriate a refund of PEG reserves for damages incurred during the studio renovation project. FtVAC duct work was accidentally damaged by the vendor during the studio renovation. The vendor reimbursed the City’s costs associated with repairs to the duct workl The funding will be refunded to restricted general tod balance from PEG Channel revenue. ! 10. Friendswood Downtown Economic Development Clorporation - FM 518 Illumination Change Order #1 and Owner’s Contingency, $235,047. Appropriate tods for FM 518 Illumination City Council Regular Meeting Minutes March 6, 2023 Page 11 of 15 Installation project Change Order #1 in the amount of $21,500 and Owner’s Contingency of $213,547. Pfeiffer & Son, LTD was awarded the onginal contract at the August 1, 2022, City Council meeting. Funding will come from the l/Sthjcent sales tax approved in May of 2016 for capital improvements in downtown Friendswood. 11. Police Department - Public Safety Software, Chahge Order (Reporting), $6,750. Appropriate fiinds for a change order related to the implementation of new public safety software. Technical assistance and project management services are being provided by the contracted vendor to modify specialized reports. The changes will protect the name and address of victims. The funding source will be unassigned general fund balance. 12. Economic Development Agreement - TANNOS Development Group, LLC, $350,000. Appropriate funds for an Economic Development Agreement between the City of Friendswood and TANNOS Development Group, LLC for commercial development located at 408 S. Friendswood Drive. The agreement was approved by City Council at the November 7, 2022 meeting. The funding source will be unassigned general fund balance. A motion was made by Councilmember Scott and seconded by Councilmember Branson to approve Ordinance No. 2023-8, related to Item 11 .B, as submitted. Ttie vote was the following: i Ayes: Mayor Mike Foreman, Councilmember Trish Hanks, Councilmember Steve Rockey, Councilmember Sally Branson, Councilmember Robert J. Griffon, Councilmember John Scott, and Mayor Pro Tern Brent Erenwert. I Nays: None. The item passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 2023-8 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF! THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2022il9, PASSED AND APPROVED AUGUST 29, 2022, SAME BEING AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE CITY'S GENERAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL jYEAR 2022-23, BY APPROVING "BUDGET AMENDMENT V" THERETO; PROVIDING FOR SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION AND/OR TRANSFER OF CEiItAIN FUNDS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING OTHER MATTEIIS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE. n 12. CONSENT AGENDA A motion was made by Councilmember Scott and seconded; by Councilmember Branson to approve the Consent Agenda, Items 12.A through 12. J. The vote was the following: city Council Regular Meeting Minutes March 6, 2023 Page 12 of 15 Mayor Mike Foreman, Councilmember Trish. Hanks, Councilmember Steve Rockey, Councilmember Sally Branson, Councilmember Robert J. Griffon, Coimcilmember John Scott, and Mayor Pro-Tern Brent Erenwert. ; Ayes: Nays: None. The item passed unanimously. ! I A. Consider a resolution authorizing the Galveston County Mosquito Control District to use aerial application methods for the purpose of mosquito control within the Galveston County portion of the City of Friendswood. j RESOLUTION NO. 2023-9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF FRIENDS|WOOD, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING AERIAL SPRAYING OVER THE GALVESTON COUNTY PORTION OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD BY THE GALVESTON COUNTY MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT FOR ITS COUNTY-WIDE MOSQUITO CONTROL PROGRAM; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. B. Consider ratifying the Seasonal Concessions Agreement with Sterling Sports LLC, for the sale of concessions at Corporal Steven Schulz SportsparkJ This item ratifies the Seasonal Concessions Agreement (the "Agreement") with Sterling Sports LLC (the "Concessionaire") for the sale of concessions at Friendswoo4 Sportspark. Pursuant to the Agreement, the Concessionaire is required (i) to operate its concessions throughout all league play, (ii) to adhere to specified maintenance and operation standards, (iii) to remove its equipment at the end of the term, and (iv) pay the City $300 per season, of which there are typically four. The agreement is for a three-year period and may be extended for two additional two-year periods if agreed to by the parties. C. Consider authorizing an amendment to the agrejemerit for access control systems with Lighthouse Video Surveillance for additional cards and readers. This proposed amendment authorizes the expenditure of an additional $12,300 for access control reader terminals, siriart card readers, and programmed cards for thb Hanger, the Friendswood Library, and the Municipal Court. Funding for this amendment will come from Information Technology operating funds included in the FY23 adopted budget. D. Consider accepting the Sidewalk Fund Installation! Project and the commencement of the contractor’s one-year maintenance period. This item accepts the Sidewalk Fund Installation Project and the commencement of the contractor’s one- year maintenance period. The work associated with the Citjfl of Friendswood Sidewalk Fund Installation Project has been completed. This project has enabled the City!to install sidewalks along TxDOT roadways. City Council Regular Meeting Minutes March 6,2023 Page 13 of 15 . Funding for this project was partially paid for with funds developers pay into a "Sidewalk Fund" in lieu I of installing sidewalks during construction. The remaining ifunds came from a FY21-22 General Fund j Allocation for street maintenance. The City has received a one-year maintenance bond from contractor, Greenscape Six, LLC, to correct any work found deficient during this one-year period. E. Consider authorizing the final acceptance of the Blackhawk Boulevard Reconstruction Phase 11 Package “A” Project at the completion of the contractor’s extended warranty maintenance period and the release of the maintenance bond. The item authorizes the final acceptance of the Blackhawk Boulevard Reconstruction Phase H Package "A" Project and formally releases the maintenance bond. n The City began its extended warranty maintenance period of the City's Blackhawk Boulevard Reconstmction Phase n Package "A" Project in February 2021. The extended warranty maintenance bond has now expired. F. Consider authorizing the final acceptance of the 2020-2021 Concrete Street Maintenance Program at the completion of the contractor’s one-year maintenance period and release the maintenance bond. i This item authorizes the final acceptance of the 2020-2021 Concrete Street Maintenance Program at the completion of the contractor’s one-year maintenance period and release the maintenance bond, j The City began its one-year maintenance period of the 202042021 Concrete Street Maintenance Program in September 2021. The maintenance bond has now expired! t G. Consider accepting the Sterling Creek, Section 7 Infrastructure Projeet and the commencement of the contractor’s one-year maintenance period. j This item accepts the Sterling Creek, Section 7 Infrastructure Project, and the commencement of the contractor’s one-year maintenance period. ' Construction of water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and paying, and appurtenances for Sterling Creek, Section Seven has been completed. The improved lots are located adjacent to Friendswood Parkway. The City will maintain the water and sanitary sewer mains while the other infrastructure remains private. The City has received a one-year maintenance bond from the contractor, David Wight Construction Company, to correct any work found deficient during this one-year period. H. Consider appointing Ms. Marsha Conrad to the Planning and Zoning Commission to complete the unexpired three-year term left by Joe Matranga commencing immediately and ending on June 30, 2025. City Council Regular Meeting Minutes March 6, 2023 Page 14 of 15 Mr. Joe Matrauga submitted his resignation to the Commission in January 2023, leaving a vacancy. Ms. Marsha Com'ad has completed the appointment vetting procjess and meets the requirements in the City's Appointment Policy. Ms. Conrad will complete Mr. Matrariga's unexpired three-year term, which is set to end on June 30, 2025. i I. Consider approving the ad valorem tax report for January 2023. J. Consider approving the minutes Of the City Council Regular Meeting held on February 6,2023. 13. EXECUTIVE SESSION A. Recess and convene into an executive session pursuant to Sections 551.071,551.072, and 551.087 of the Texas Government Code to deliberate the offer of financial or other incentives to a business, to deliberate the purchase of real property, and to seek the advice of the City's attorney on legal matters related thereto. At 7:24 P.M., Mayor Foreman recessed and convened into an executive session pursuant to Sections 551.071, 551.072, and 551.087 of the Texas Government Co4e to deliberate the offer of financial or other incentives to a business, to deliberate the purchase of real pfoperty, and to seek the advice of the City's attorney on legal matters related thereto. I At 7:35 P.M., Mayor Foreman reconvened the regular meetjing and announced that in accordance with Section 551.102 of the Texas Government Code, no action was taken in executive session. 14. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION A. Consider an Economic Development Agreement with Tannos Construction & Development, LLC. ' A motion was made by Councilmember Branson and seconded by Councilmember Hanks to approve an agreement with Tannos Construction & Development, LLC. The vote was the following: Ayes: Mayor Mike Foreman, Councilmember Trish Hanks, Councilmember Steve Rockey, Councilmember Sally Branson, Councilmember Robert J. Griffon, Councilmember John Scott, and Mayor Pro Tern Brent Erenwert. j Nays: None. The item passed unanimously. B. Consider authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute an earnest money agreement for the purchase of real property for municipal purposes. A motion was made by Councilmember Griffon and seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Erenwert to approve authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute an earnest money agreement for the purchase of real property for municipal pmposes. The vote was the following: City Councii Regular Meeting Minutes March 6, 2023 Page 15 of 15 Ayes; Mayor Mike Foreman, Councilmember Trish Hanks, Councilmember Steve Rockey, Councilmember Sally Branson, Councilmember Robert J. Griffon, and Mayor Pro Tern Brent Erenwert. Nays: Councilmember John Scott. The item passed. 15. ADJOURNMENT With there being no further business to discuss, Mayor Foreman adjourned the March 6, 2023, City Council Regular Meeting at 7:36 P.M. Attest:, Leticia Brysch, City Secretary