HomeMy WebLinkAboutCentennial Committee Minutes 1993-01-12 Regular (-) STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD COUNTY OF GALVESTON/HARRIS MINUTES OF THE CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE MEETING THAT WAS HELD ON WEDNESDAY , JANUARY 12 , 1993 AT 5 : 30 PM AT UNIPLEX OFFICE PARK , 1414 S . FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE , FRIENDSWOOD , TEXAS WITH THE FOLLOWING PRESENT : CO-CHAIR PHYLLIS LEE CO-CHAIR JANIS LOWE MEMBERS ED HARRIS CHARLES KIRKLIN ( ARR . 5 : 45) MARY ELLEN BELLARD JOYCE BAKER HUBERTA MORA JERRY SMITH PATSY RAUCH ( ARR . 5 : 55) KITTEN HAJECATE ( ARR . 6 : 00 ) CITY SECRETARY DELORIS MCKENZIE ABSENT FROM THE MEETING WAS LEO BRAUN , ANN WOOD , LAURIE WHITEHEAD AND CAROLYN WRIGHT . CITY SECRETARY PRESENTED MINUTES OF OCTOBER 13 , 1994 WERE ACCEPTED AS SUBMITTED . CITY SECRETARY PRESENTED THE FINANCIAL REPORT WHICH WAS APPROVED AS SUBMITTED . DISCUSSION WAS HELD REGARDING HISTORY BOOK CONTRACTS WITH PUBLISHER AND AUTHOR WITH THE CONCURRENCE OF THE COMMITTEE TO APPROVE ENTERING INTO A CONTRACT WITH JOYCE BAKER AS AUTHOR AND PUBLISHER OF THE HISTORY BOOKS . DISCUSSION WAS HELD REGARDING CHAIR FOR PRE-SALES AND PUBLICITY FOR HISTORY BOOK . JERRY SMITH GRACIOUSLY "VOLUNTEERED''TO CHA THE PRE-SALES AND PUBLICITY CAMPAIGN FOR 7:ISTORY BOOK WITH THE COMMITTEE CONCURRING. DISCUSSION WAS HELD REGARDING A COORDINATOR FOR THE POSTER AND PIN SALES WITH CO-CHAIRS PHYLLIS LEE AND JANIS LOWE VOLUNTEERING FOR THIS PROJECT WITH THE COMMITTEE CONCURRING . CO-CHAIRMAN PHYLLIS LEE SUGGESTED COORDINATING SALES OF HISTORY BOOK , POSTERS AND PINS TOGETHER WITH THE POSSIBILITY OF SETTING UP BOOTHS FOR BASEBALL/SOFTBALL OPENING DAY , WESTWOOD CARNIVAL , HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL , HOME GAMES , LIONS ARTS & CRAFTS SHOW, CHURCH FESTIVALS AND MUSEUM MEMBERSHIP LUNCHEON . DISCUSSION WAS HELD REGARDING THE NEED FOR A BACKDROP PORTABLE BOOTH FOR DISPLAY PURPOSES AND RELATED COSTS . **MOTION WAS MADE BY KITTEN HAJECATE TO APPROVE CAROLYN WRIGHT RESEARCHING COST TO PURCHASE A BACKDROP PORTABLE BOOTH FOR SALES PURPOSES . SECONDED BY JANIS LOWE . MOTION APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY . A DETAILED WRITTEN SUB-COMMITTEE REPORT FROM HUBERTA MORA AND MARY ELLEN BELLARD ON THE UNVEILING PROJECT HELD ON OCTOBER 24 , 1993 WAS PRESENTED OUTLINING THE EVENT , PREPARATIONS AND RECOGNIZING PARTICIPANTS . MS . MORA AND MS . BELLARD REPORTED THERE WAS $2 , 000 BUDGETED FOR THIS EVENT AND EXPENDITURES WERE ACTUALLY $ 41478 . 78 WITH 59 POSTERS BEING SOLD AT THE EVENT. A COPY OF THIS REPORT TO BE ATTACHED TO THE MINUTES . DISCUSSION WAS HELD REGARDING THE HEIGHT OF THE STAGE LEGS WITH THE COMMITTEE CONCURRING TO REQUEST TO LOWER THE LEGS FOR FUTURE EVENTS . DISCUSSION WAS HELD REGARDING VARIOUS REQUESTS TO SELL PROMOTIONAL ITEMS WITH DISCUSSION BEING HELD REGARDING THE POSSIBILITY OF THE BAY AREA COUNCIL BOY SCOUTS SELLING LAPEL PIN ' S USING LAURIE WHITEHEAD ' S LOGO . MS . WANDA MURPHY , LIAISON FOR PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD , DISCUSSED POSSIBLE CENTENNIAL PROJECTS . MS . MURPHY DISCUSSED POSSIBLY NAMING THE PROPOSED NEW SPORTS COMPLEX THE CENTENNIAL PARK , RENAMING ARENA BACK TO CITY PARK , REPORTED THE BIDS ARE OUT FOR THE PAVILION PLANNED FOR STEVENSON PARK AND REPORTED A GRANT HAS BEEN APPLIED FOR TO PROVIDE FOOT PATHS TO CONNECT STEVENSON PARK AND ARENA PARK . MEMBERS OF THE CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE REQUESTED THE PARK BOARD KEEP THE CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE ADVISED OF EVENTS IN THE PARK IN ORDER THAT THE C . C . MAY PROVIDE FOR SALE OF PROMOTIONAL ITEMS , STATED THE C . C . WOULD LIKE TO SEE EVENTS FOR THE CENTENNIAL YEAR BE HELD IN THE PARKS , ESPECIALLY 1776 PARK , POSSIBLY SCHOOL FIELD TRIPS COULD BE PLANNED . DISCUSSION WAS HELD REGARDING THE PLANS BY THE COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD TO PLANT 100 TREES WITH COORDINATING THE PROJECT WITH THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD . KITTEN HAJECATE REPORTED THE NEW CITY HALL WILL HAVE A CLOCK AND SUGGESTED THIS BE SPONSORED BY THE CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE . MS . HAJECATE REPORTED THE CITY IS LOOKING INTO THE COST FOR A CLOCK AND WILL REPORT BACK AT A LATER DATE . DISCUSSION WAS HELD REGARDING LIST OF CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE LIAISONS . CO-CHAIR PHYLLIS LEE SUGGESTED IF ANYONE KNOWS OF OTHER CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS , TO HAVE THEM CONTACT SECRETARY DELORIS MCKENZIE TO BE ADDED TO THE LIST . CO-CHAIR ' S PHYLLIS LEE AND JANIS LOWE REPORTED A MEETING WILL BE HELD TO MEET WITH THE LIAISONS TO DISCUSS PROMOTIONAL PLANS AND TO DISCUSS POTENTIAL CENTENNIAL PROJECTS . JOYCE BAKER SUGGESTED HAVING BANNERS MADE USING LAURIE rr �. 0,10 rD1 A1n> act4,1 C T. cl-e111-. CO-CHAIR PHYLLIS LEE DISCUSSED THE COST OF THE CENTENNIAL PINS THAT HAVE BEEN RECEIVED . MS. LEE STATED THE PINS COST LESS THAN 1 . 20 PER PIN AND SUGGESTED THE PINS BE SOLD FOR $3 . 00 OR TWO FOR $5 . 00 WITH THE COMMITTEE CONCURRING ON THIS COST. MS . LEE STATED THE PINS MAY BE PURCHASED FROM DELORIS MCKENZIE AT CITY HALL OR CAROLYN WRIGHT AT THE CHAMBER OR FROM HERSELF . **MOTION WAS MADE BY HUBERTA MORA TO APPROVE THE BOY SCOUTS OF THE BAY AREA AREA COUNCIL USING THE LOGO FROM THE OFFICIAL CENTENNIAL PAINTING FOR LAPEL PINS AS A FUNDRAISER . SECONDED BY PATSY RAUCH. MOTION APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY . THE NEXT MEETING WAS SET FOR WEDNESDAY , MARCH 9 , 1993 AT 5 : 30 TO 7 : 00 PM. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 6 : 45 PM. _ DELORIS MCKENZIE CITY SECRETARY SECRETARY CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE PRESENTED JANUARY 12, 1994 CENTENNIAL SUB-COMMITTEE REPORT TO THE CENTENNIAL COMMTTTEE ON UNVEILING PROJECT,OCTOBER 24, 1993 The Heritage Day celebration served as the kick-off event for the CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION, scheduled to begin in July,1994,and run through December, 1995,the 100th birthday of the city of Friendswood,Texas. The Centennial Committee's unveiling of the Laurie Whitehead centennial painting,"Our History,Our Heritage,Friendswood,USA",was made a significant part of Heritage Day,annually sponsored by the Friendswood Historical Society and the Frank J.Brown Museum,held at the Museum at 108 Skyview. The day included a barbecue dinner and silent auction provided by the Historical Society. A program preceding the unveiling was emceed by Tom Burke with Mayor Evelyn Newmann and artist,Laurie Whitehead,making comments. Honored guests from the founding families,Margaret Lane from the Brown family and Grace Lewis from the Lewis family,unveiled the painting. A second grade choir from Cline Elementary School led by teacher,Cecilia Nichols,sang an original song about Friendswood. Entertainment was provided by the Centennial choir,the First Baptist Church choir and the Friends Church choir throughout the afternoon while Laurie Whitehead signed and personalized posters of the painting being sold to help allay costs which will be generated by coming events to be spread out over a span of 18 months. A 40 x 60 foot tent and 130 chairs and 16 tables were rented from All Tents and Table Rentals in Stafford,Texas. Dr.Diane Alves allowed us the use of her property adjacent to the Brown museum for the tent. Stewart Electric installed a utility pole to accommodate the electricity provided by Texas New Mexico Power Company with Dale Jones coordinating the stringing of the wires. The city constructed the stage and provided the sound system manned by John Branson. Lees Landscaping provided the table decorations,Friendswood Frame provided the easels for the painting and posters,Lary's Florist and April Bellard provided the lattice backdrops for the stage and signing table. Best Waste provided trash boxes,Port-a-lets,and disposal container. Maurice Estlinbaum and John Hartman allowed the use of their building's parking lot. Dale Lee,Penny Burke and Jesus (Chuy)Carrasco donated their time and talents to the day as well. All paper products were bought at Cash and Carry. Kenton Harris displayed various articles that city organizations might consider as their Centennial promotion projects. The unveiling project was underwritten by the City of Friendswood. The Centennial committee budgeted$2,000.00 for expenses. The actual costs of the event were$1,478.78,with$1,330.00 going to All Tent/Table Rentals,$59.07 to Bay Area Wholesale,and$89.71 in miscellaneous costs. There were 59 posters sold at$20.00 each which amounted to a total of$1,180.00 collected. A donation of$10.00 was added,uping the total taken in to$1,190.00. Thank you notes and newspaper articles covering the event have been sent to Margaret Lane and Grace Lewis. All other individuals and businesses who donated time and merchandise will receive appropriate thank yous as well. The sub-committee has the following suggestions which may make the planning of future events be more smoothly executed: Publicity and all wording of invitations,notices,etc.should be proof-read by the appointed committee for the event. Someone on the Centennial committee should be appointed to become familiar with the city sound system. The Centennial committee should send a recommendation to the city to purchase shorter legs for the stage. The sub-committee is so grateful for the willing and untiring effort by all members of the Centennial committee which we feel contributed to the overall success of the event along with the blessing of a beautiful Fall day. Thank you,thank you and thank goodness for Janis'portable phone! Huberta Mora Mary Ellen Bellard Donna Bridwell Mary Prihoda