HomeMy WebLinkAboutCentennial Committee Minutes 1993-04-21 Regular Centennial Committee Minutes of the meeting of April 21,1993 . 1.The meeting was called to order by Chairman Phyllis Lee. Present were Joyce Baker, Laurie Whitehead, Janis Lowe, Ann Wood, and ex-officio member Carolyn Wright. The meeting was visited at different times throughout the evening by Mayor Evelyn Newman, Councilmember Tom Manison, and 4th of July Steering Chairman Dale Jones.and 4th Committee member Scott Gordon. Meaningful dialogue was conducted with them. 2.The minutes of March 11 and March 30, 1993 were approved as read. 3.The written finanical report was submitted previously by Deloris McKenzie. The financial report was approved as rendered. 4. Reports and Discussions A.The Committee recognizes the need to finalize plans for the official stationery. This action is tabled until the City Secretary can be present. The Committee recognizes the possibility of use of its official emblem on City stationery. McKenzie is to have City Manager at the next meeting for a discussion on the City's needs. B.Laurie Whitehead reports the painting is finished and she has since delivered it to ASAP for poster printing (est. 4/23) and notecard printing (est. 4/30). She will see to its framing and delivery for safekeeping. C. Joyce Baker gave a report on the History Book. She estimates maunuscript completion by fall of 1993. A price quote for printing can then be obtained. Baker motions for the Committee be the underwriter of the book via a request to Council for $10 000 seed money. Proceeds of book sales would reimburse the City first and all other proceeds would be donated to the Friendswood Historical Society . The motioned was seconded by Ann Wood. Motion passed. Chairman Lee will prepare documents for budget requests for fiscal year 93-94 inclusive of the motion. 5. A time-line of events were discussed and agreed as per the attached. More events can be added at any time. 6. It was motioned, seconded ,and approved for Mary Ellen Bellard and Huberta Mora to Co-Chair a sub-committee for an Unveiling/Kick-off Gala. 7. The next meeting will be held on May 13th at 7:00 p.m. at Uni-Plex Business Park. 8. Having no further business, the meeting adjourned. CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE TIME-LINE WORKSHEET 1993 : APRIL : COMMITTEE MEETING--TIME LINE OF EVENTS MAY: COMMITTEE MEETING -- 13TH JUNE : JULY: Theme: Stan-6 an,d S#n i_pe.6 FOneven. AUGUST : SEPTEMBER: OCTO/3ER: 16th, UNVEILING GALA-- 1-st tLme Po.Aten s 4on 4a-2.e 24th, HERITAGE DAY--Po4teit on, Acute NOVEM/3ER: "Fn-i.emd-6wo od A SeSetttememt o4 Fn-i.en,d2.y F o.QJU " Rent to pne44 DECEMBER: 1994 JANUARY: K-Lck (44 event FEBRUARY : MARCH: Pne-Sate book, panty APRIL : MAY: JUNE: JULY: 4th. PINS on 4ate 4on, 14t -time. POSTERS ,on. Aate AUGUST: SEPTEMBER: DedLc.at-Lon cen,e.mony at Achoo.e. OCTOBER: HERITAGE DAY BOOK READY FOR SALE--SIGNING PARTY NOVEMBER: DECEMBER : YULETIME FESTIVAL HAVE AN HISTORIC THEME 1995 : THE BIG YEAR JANUARY : CAB 100 Oahe--tAee pn,ognam FEBRURY : Recep Lon 4on, Pat Ma.yo'L4, and Cou,nc i.t member s The PnomLAed Land MARCH: Ea to t Egg Han t--LLon-6 C!u,b poAALbte 4po►vso& APRIL : MAY: Tn,ti-Cou,►Lty Chamber, H ton,y o4 ou't an,ea JUNE : S p eci_at Gn.adu,atLon ANNIVERSARY PARTY---SATURDAY NIGHT JULY : The Gath.en,i.ng The 100th, Yeast. 4th o4 Juty Centenn-LaL CeLebn,at-4 on PINS AND POSTERS ON SALE AUGUST: F-Lne An-S Cou,nci.t--Spec La- - Content -in the Pcvit SEPTEMBER: C lumkcu.E.i.0 m -Ln, S ch o o L4 OCTOBER : Homecom-i.n.g Huata,ge Day Fine DepaAtmemt open, how.e--4u,gge t they do a, wn i .ten,/p.i,c twce hLtony o4 d epantmen t (EMS 4 t num etc) NOVEMBER: Famy o4 the Yean DECEMBER : GRAND BALL FINALE OF EVENTS