HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 Annexation Resolution #1 _ • ,�, . �.. NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR ANNEXATION OF ADDITIONAL TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held before the City Council of the City of Friendswood at the following time and place: Date: ,;d U'L..�-� ,>` 1 `�t� � � Hou r: `�` •" 3:-�� f.. �Y�� Place: City Hall, City of Friendswood, Texas in keeping with the resolution adopted by the City Council as follows:, to-wit: RESOLUTION SETTING HEARING ON PETIT'Ic'�N FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS X X COUNTY OF GALVESTON � The City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, convened in regular session at the City Hall within said City on the 19th day of June, 1967, with the following members, and the City Secretary, present, to-wit: Ralph L. Lowe Mayor Marvin Childers Alderman Thomas F. Woods Alderman Ed Stuart Alderman Ralph W. Somers Alderman Wiley Murrell Alderman Mrs. Artha Wright City Secretary and the following member(s) absent, to-wit: /j,t,�,7��- , , when, among other business, the following was transacted: The Mayor introduced a resolution setting hearing on petition for annex- ation of territory to the City of Friendswood, Texas, which resolution was read in full. Alderman %,�;��/�,� made a motion that the resolution be passed on first reading. A.lderman ,�y:r �t��� L� seconded the motion. The motion, carrying with it the passage of said resolution on first reading, prevailed by the following vote: AYES: A.ldermen Childers, Woods, Stuart, Somers, Murrell and Mayor Lowe. NOES: None. The Mayor thereupon announced that the resolution had duly and lawfully passed on first reading. The resolution passed is as follows: . � ' ,� , . .... RESOLUTION SETTING HEARING ON PETITION FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS X X COUNTY OF GALVESTON X There came on to be considered a petition which was presented to the Mayor, City of Friendswood, Texas, requesting that the territory described in said petition be annexed to the City of Friendswood, Texas. WHEREAS, according to the affidavit of three resident qualified voters of such territory, which affidavit was attached to said petition, said petition was signed by a majority of the qualified voters in the territory described in the petition; WHEREA5, the City Council wishes to set down the petition for annex- ation of territory to the City of Friendswood, Texas, for a public hearing in accordance with the requirements of Article 970a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes; Therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS: 1. That a hearing shall be held before the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, at the following time and place, to-wit: D at e: ;�/'ir��.�� �� � �f � � Hour: �� ` ;? f'' J�`�'� � Place: City Hall, City of Friendswood, Texas which is not less than ten (10) nor more than twenty (20) days from the date of this resolution, for the purpose of passing upon a petition for the annexation of additional territory to the City of Friendswood, Texas, and to hear evidence from all persons who wish to offer same to determine whether or not the terri- tory described in said petition should be annexed to and become a part of the City of Friendswood, Texas. 2. The territory described in such petition adjoins and is adjacent to the present boundaries of the City of Friendswood, Texas, is situated wholly within Galveston County, Texas, and is described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: BEGI�� ,I:�:C at t,iie South corner uf AniiAlea Subdivision, Section One (Re-Plat) , said poi_ut ly�in�; in the Westtrly City Limits uf Friendswood, TexaS as �initia] lv incorporatEC bv t�ruer of the County Judge of Galveston Count��, dated ^��ov�mber I, 1>�U, Sai,.� point .�i,u lyin� in th� '.`�orthwesterly line of th� EignuS �ubdivis:iou; THE�;CE; from said bcginning point in a �ortlieasterly direction, alon�, and witl� tlie Southe�asterl,� l.int of saicl ��nn��lea, Section One (Re-Plat j , said li<<e dlso being t�he. I���rthwesterly line of th� Ei�nus Subciivision and tti� Sarak�� V. Pearson 26.9 acre tract, and tlie iv'ortheasterly projection of said line to a poinC for corner in tiie ^;ortheastcrly ri�ht of way line of F.'�t. 'Vo. 518; TIiFNCE; in a �iesterlv direction, al�ng the I�ortheasterly ri�1�t t:f wav li.ne of F.�`. 1�'0. 5it3 to a poii�t for corner being the intersection of said Nort�icasterly right of way line of F.:�?. �o. 518 and the Southwesterly projection c�f the common 1_ine �etween Lots 3 and 4 of the Hoidale and Coffman Subdivision, in the Pt_rry and ��ustiil League; TIIE�CE; in a tiortheasterly� airection, along the Souti�iwesterly projection of the common l.ine bet�aeen said Lots 3 and 4 of the Hoidale and Coffman Subcli.vision and t11e common line between sai.d Lots 3 and 4 to a point for c�orner bei.n�� the most ^;ortk�erlv �orner of said Lot 3; 'tIiFIv�CE, in a :�orthwesterly clirection, along ttie commoii liue betweei� Lots 4 and 17 of tt�� Hoidale and C��ffman Subdivision to a point for cc�rner bein�; th� most tiorti�erly corner of saici Lot 4; THENCE; in a Southwesterly direction, along tiie common line between LotS 4 and 5 of t}le Iioidale and Coffman Subdivision and the Soutliwesterly projectian of said � common line to a point for corner in the :Vortheasterly riglit of way lint� of F.:f. No. 518: THE\CE; in a Easterly direction, along the I�ortheasterlv ri�;Yit of way liiie of F.:�l. No. 510 to a point for corner being tlie intersection of said North�asterly right of way line of F.�.. :�o. �18 with the ?�ortheasterly projection of tile .�ort}Iwest line of Ann�llea Subdivision, Section One (Re-Plat) ; TFIE��CE; in a Soutliwesterly direction, aloug ttie .;ortheasterly ��rojection of the P�orthwest l.iiie- of AnnAlea Subdivision, Section One (IZe-Plat) and along tt�e :�orthwesti.�rly line of said AnnAlea Subdiv.ision, Section C)iie (I:e-Plat) to a point for corner bei.ng the 6Jest corner of said AnnAlea Subdivision, Secti_on One (Re-Plat) ; TIIE:�CE; ii� a Souttieasterly direction, along the Soutliwesterlv line of AnnAlea Subdivision, Section One (Re-Plat) to ttle South corner of said AnnEllea Subdivision, Section One (Re-Plat) being the Place of Beginning. - „�.. �,. . . : � . ' . , � .. 3. The Secretary of the City of Friendswood shall issue notice of the time and place of the hearing on this petition, describing by publishing a sub- stantial copy of this resolution in a newspaper having general circulation in the City of Friendswood, Texas, and in the territory described in such petition at least one time, said notice to be published not more than twenty (20) nor less than ten (10) days prior to the date of such hearing. PA.SSED AND APPROVED this ��� day of �/t`�'� , 1967. r Ralph L. Lowe Mayor, City of Friendswood, Texas ATTEST: G�� �� � L. B. Cline Acting City Secretary, City of Friendswood, Texas (SEAL) . ' ,.�. � . THE STATE OF TEXAS X X COUNTY OF GALVESTON � I, the undersigned, Acting Secretary of the City of Friendswood, Texas, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, to- gether with an excerpt from the minutes of the meeting showing the adoption thereof, and same appears of record in the official minutes of said City Council on file in my offic e. WITNESS MY HAND AND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this � day of ��1,l1�� , 1967. G�,� (�.�.�y L. B. Cline Acting City Secretary, City of Friendswood, Texas (SEAL) You will, therefore, take notice of all matters and facts set out in the foregoing Notice of Hearing on Petition for Annexation of Additional Territory to the City of Friendswood, Texas. ���'.�, ��_,�� L. B. Cline � Acting City Secretary, City of Friendswood, Texas (SEAL)