HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 Annexation Resolution #2 . _ .� a ; _. . , .. • , � � : ' ....�_ ' : - F,. NOTICE OF HEARING OI�T PETITION FOR ANNEXATION OF ADDITIONAL TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearinb will be held before the Gity Council of the City of Friendswood at the following time and place: Date: August 21, 1967 Hour: 7:30 P. M. Pl�zce: City Hall, City of Friendswood, Texas in keepin� with the resolution adoptecl by the City Cotincil as follows, to �vit: , � RESOLUTION SETTING HEARING ON PETITION FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS X X COUNTY OF GALVESTON � The City Council of the Gity of Friendswood, Texas, convened in regular session at the City Hall within said Gity on the 7th day of August, 1967, with the following members, and the City Secretary, present, to-wit: Ralph L. Lowe Mayor Marvin Childers Alderman Thomas F. Woods Alderman Ed Stuart Alderman R�lph W. Somers Alderman Wiley Murrell Alclerm�in Lawrence Cline Acting City Secretary in absence of Artha Wright and the following member(s) absent, to-wit: ��/��- , when, among other business, the following was transacted: The Mayor introduced a resolution setting hearing on petition for annex- ation of territory to the City of Friendswood, Texas, which resolution was read in full. Alclerman jb.� � ��made a motion that the resolution be passed on first reading. Alderman ����DS seconded the motion. The motion, carry- ing with it the passage of said resolution on first reading, prevailed by the follow- in� vote: AYES: Aldermen Ghilders, Woods, Stuart, Somers, Murrell ancl Mayor Lowe. NOES: None The Mayor thereupon announced that the resolution had duly and lawfully passed on first reading. The resolution passed is as follows: RESOLUTION SETTING HEARING ON PETITION FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS THE STATE OF TEXAS � � COUNTY OF GALVESTON X There came on to be considered a petition which was presented to the Mayor, City of Friendswood, Texas, requesting that the territory described in said petition be annexed to the City of Friendswood, Texas. WHEREAS, according to the affidavit of three resident qualified voters of such territory, which affidavit was attached to said petition, said petition was signed by a majority of the qualified voters in the territory described in the petition; WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to set clown the petition for annexa- tion of territory to the City of Frienelswood, Texas, for a public hearing in ac- cordance with the requirements of Article 970a, Vernon' s Texas Civil Statutes; Therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDS- WOOD, TEXAS: • ' . --. 1. That a hearing shall be held before the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, at the following time and place, to-wit: Date: Au�ust 21, 1967 Hour 7:30 P. M. Place City Hall, City of Friendswood, Texas which is not less than ten (10) nor more than twenty (20) days from the date of this resolution, for the purpose of passing upon a petition for the annexation of additional territory to the City of Friendswood, Texas, and to hear evidence from all persons who wish to offer same to determine whether or not the terri- tory described in said petition should be annexed to and become a part of the City of Friendswood, Texas. 2. The territory describeci in such petition adjoins and is adjacent to the present boundaries of the Gity of Friendswood, Texas, is situated wholly within Galveston County, Texas, and is described by metes and bounds as fol- lows, to-wit: • � .. EEGII�ININC at a ��oint in t'rie present City I.at��its of ttie City c�i F°rienciswood, Texaa, as set l�y Orcli�ance No. 50, l�overnbex Z, 19��, `��i�� _�ui�} :�eina tiie intex�ei.tior� of tt�e Northwest extension af the Nortkieast line of �er,tr-=�I Park Subdivisian wit.l tne Soutlzwest ext�ntif�n of the Norttiwest Iinc� of �1���;::s ��, 1? and Z�� of the E. I-ioiJ.dale anci CoffzY�an �ubd'aviaic�n; THEN�ii fro�7� said beginning �oint in a Northwesterly c�irection, �-�.lonnr the Northwest projection o£ the Northe-�,st line of �entral F'ark :�ubrivision to a point for coxner in the Galveston County-Lixazoria County line; THENCE in a Northerly direction, along the Galveston County-E�razoria County line, to a point for corner where said cour�ty ].ine interaect� trie Northwest line of lot 9 0£ the �-�oidale and Coffr:.an su�divisiran; THENCE N �?�° 1�; alons, the I�Iorthwest line of lots 9 and 12 of the F.oiclale and Coffrnan su�uivisio��z to a point for corner in the centex-line of ?�.''elody I�ai:e, said point bein; the north corner of said lat 22; THENC� 5 =�5° F�, alon� the center-line of i��lelody L,ane also }3einc; the l�Torth- east line of Lots 1Z, I3, 1� and 15 of tlze �Ioilclale �.nc� C�ff.�lan ��ubc?i�i5ion, a distance ot L600 feet to a �aint for corner �.vhictl lies in the Northeast line of Lot said Lot I5 anc] is N 45° `•��', a distance o�' 40 feet frorr: the i�;a�t cora�er of said Lot 15; THENCE S ��;�°�'; , Paraliel to ancl 40' perpenclicular fr�na the �>out'r�east �ine of Lots l� anr.I 6 of tli� :HoiidaZe and Coffman �ubdivision ane� t}�e `�;outl��.u�.7t pro- jectian Qf saici parallel line to a point for corr�er in the :�outhwesterly ri�nt of way line of F. i�;�, 510; THENCI: in a routtieasterly direction, alon� t}ie Sauthwesteriy ri�llt of w�,y line of F. :.1. `lti to a point for corner wtzere said right of way line intersects the �southwe�t projection of the Northwest line of Lots 4, 1? and 24 af the I-Ioil- dale and Coffn.an :7ubdivision; TH�NCE fi ��5� �;-', aion��; tr3e ,`:outllwest pra�ection of the I�Tortia�.v�st line o£ .Lots �, 1? and 2� of tcle Hoildale ancl Goffrnan Subdivision to tlie �'l�.ce af �'e�;innin�. ._._._ __ _- Y � . . � . •• 't � ' • ' 3. The Secretary of the City of Friendswood shall issue notice of the tiime and place of thc, hearing on this petition, describin�; by publishin`7 a sub- stantial copy of this resolution in a newspaper having general circulation in the City of Friendswood, Texas, and in the territory described in such petition at least one time, said notice to be published not more than twenty (20) nor less than ten (10) days perior to the date of such hearing. PASSED AND APPROVED this �'r�f day of � (,� �� S � , 1967. Ralph L Lowe Mayor, City of Friends�vood, Texas ATTEST: ., ����/ L. B. Cline Acting City Secretary, City of Frienclswood, Texas (SEAL) . � .,. , • . ..... . . • � � • � ` . 1 ; `� . THE STATE OF TEXAS � X COUNTY OF GALVESTON � I, the undersi�necl, Acting Secrctary of the Gity of Friendswood, Texas, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, to- gether with an excerpt from the minutes of the meeting showing the adoption thereof, and same appears of record in the official minut°s of said City Council on file in my office. WITNESS MY HAND AND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this � T� ._.-� day of — (�� �S f, 1967. ��� ���� L. I3. Cline Acting City Secretary, Gity of Friendswood, Texas (SEAL) You will, therefore, take notice of all matters and facts set out in the foregoing Notice of Hearing on Petition for Annexation of Additional Territory to the City of Friendswood, Texas. �� �,�� L. B. Cline Acting City Secretary, City of Friendswood, Texas (SEAL)