HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2005-09-12 Regular 09/12/05 2375 STATE OF TEXAS )( CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD )( COUNTIES OF GALVESTON/HARRIS )( SEPTEMBER 12, 2005 )( MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL THAT WAS HELD ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2005, AT 4:30 PM AT FRIENDSWOOD CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, WITH THE FOLLOWING PRESENT CONSTITUTING A QUORUM: MAYOR KIMBALL BRIZENDINE MAYOR PRO-TEM DAVID SMITH COUNCILMEMBER LAURA EWING COUNCILMEMBER JOHN LECOUR COUNCILMEMBER TRACY GOZA COUNCILMEMBER CHRIS PEDEN (arr. at 7:00 PM) COUNCILMEMBER MEL MEASELES CITY ATTORNEY JOHN OLSON CITY MANAGER RON COX CITY SECRETARY DELORIS MCKENZIE Mayor Brizendine called the meeting to order. 4:30 PM —WORK SESSION Discussion was held regarding policy for the use of Athletic Facilities and Fields. Community Services Director Jon Branson introduced Janie Honeycutt, Chair of the Parks and Recreation Board, and gave a PowerPoint presentation and recommendations from the Parks and Recreation Board. Discussion was held regarding policy for Live Media Broadcasts from City facilities. City Manager Ron Cox presented information regarding the proposed policy. Discussion was held regarding the different options and charged Staff with bringing back a policy for consideration. Discussion was held regarding electronic election equipment costs and process. City Secretary Deloris McKenzie presented a PowerPoint presentation and recommended the City purchase the electronic equipment necessary to meet the HAVA (Help Americans Vote Act) requirements. Council concurred to proceed with this proposal. 6:15 PM —CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION Council convened into Executive Session in accordance with the Texas Government Code, pursuant to Section 551.072— Deliberation regarding Real Property. Council convened into Regular Session at 7:00 pm. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION 7:00 PM — REGULAR SESSION The invocation was given by Pastor Mark Lasch from Hope Lutheran Church. Mayor Brizendine led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas. 09/12/05 2376 SPECIAL RECOGNITION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Councilmember Goza presented the 2005 Pony All Star Team with certificates for advancing to Regionals. Councilmember LeCour presented Theresa Foss, Regent from the Captain Gilbreth Falls-Absolom Hooper Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, with a proclamation recognizing Constitution Week. PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Brizendine called a Public Hearing to order, to receive comments from the public, either oral or written, regarding the City of Friendswood Proposed Operating Budget for FY2005-06. Don Beeth, 5303 Whittier Oaks, addressed Council and stated that if Council is going to accept comments from the public, the budget should be made available electronically. Hearing no further comments, Mayor Brizendine closed this Public Hearing. JOINT DOCKETED PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Brizendine and Planning and Zoning Commissioner Kevin Holland called a Joint Docketed Public Hearing to order, to receive comments from the public, either oral or written, regarding a Zone Classification change for a tract of land containing 137.307 acres of land, Clear Creek Farms, located in the Sarah McKissick Survey, property located at 3801 FM 528, Harris County, Texas, from Single-Family Residential (SFR) and amending Planned Unit Development (PUD) — Mixed Use/amending Master Land Use Plan to Planned Unit Development (PUD) — Mixed Use. City Planner Diana Steelquist presented background information on the proposed project. Richard Browne, Development Manager of Richard P. Browne Associates, presented information regarding the proposed project, floodways, FEMA requirements, proposed changes to original plan, now includes 40 acres of park land along the creek land most floodway, outlined proposed land swap with Clear Creek Independent School District, office space allocation increased, residential 600 units, hotel, service station and marina stays the same, move the amphitheatre to another area, moved restaurants closer to the commercial areas, detention ponds, total building program reduced .03%, outline basic changes, proposed to be a state of the art living center, maps were presented dated April, 2005. Cindy Bohannon, 2102 McKissick Drive, spoke in opposition of the zone change and expressed concerns regarding detention ponds, tree removal, buffer loss of green space, noise, tree preservation, marina, relocation of wildlife, safety concerns on the creek, commercial location of project. Ted Leach, spoke in opposition of the zone change and stated he owns property across the creek from the proposed project, expressed concerns with the creek itself, generally the natural beauty of the creek from the project, polluted run off from development and parking lots, creek flow path may impact property south of the creek, growth tends to have a great impact on developed areas, clear creek is one of our jewels, lets take care of it. Jon Johnson, 703 Oak Drive, spoke in opposition of the zone change and asked Council to consider impact to other people, expressed concerns with amphitheatre, consider noise level, and boat traffic to marina, is concerned with hairpin curve in creek, narrow areas with blind areas, question about public or private boat launch, 100 boats plus public would create problems, if Centennial Park amphitheatre will this be competing with the proposed amphitheatre, noise pollution, concerned with greenbelt, flooding issues and detention ponds, will be a lot of dirt moved and trees removed. 09/12/05 2377 Kathy Rogers, 207 Charleston, spoke in opposition of the zone change and expressed concerns with amphitheatre, 2500 seating, proposed 2 or three nights a week, noise pollution is a real problem, is concerned that the proposal for the amphitheatre will not be adequate and then will ask to increase, consider economic ramification. Richard Browne responded to the concerns regarding the hydrology requirements that would not allow impact adversely to properties downstream or across the creek, denuding of the property will not be done, amphitheatre thought this is what the community would want to have, this is considered to be a boutique theatre, this will not be for name brand bands, small bands, graduations, Easter sunrise services, proposed to be built towards the commercial areas and has definite decibels for the sound, detention ponds will have forests around the ponds and will do a responsible job. No one spoke in favor of the zone change. Hearing no further comments, Mayor Brizendine and Planning and Zoning Commissioner Kevin Holland closed this Joint Docketed Public Hearing. Mayor Brizendine and Planning and Zoning Commissioner Kevin Holland called a Joint Docketed Public Hearing to order, to receive comments from the public, either oral or written, regarding amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Friendswood, amending height restrictions in Community Shopping Center(CSC), Original Business District (OBD) and Neighborhood Commercial (NC). City Planner Diana Steelquist presented an overview of the proposed changes. Bill Finger, 2805 Burr Oak Drive, has lived in Friendswood since 1966, stated he is in favor of the amendment, and in favor of the continuation of process that began in the 1990's, which will encourage commercial development, increase tax dollars to the City, and would encourage the Planning and Zoning Commission and Council to approve the zone change. Penelope Burke, 613 Penny Lane, has lived here since 1954, spoke in opposition of the amendment and stated she is fundamentally opposed to changing how Friendswood looks, characteristics of this city are not the same as other cities in surrounding area, creates urban sprawl, opposed and hope will consider very thoughtfully Hearing no further comments, Mayor Brizendine and Planning and Zoning Commissioner Kevin Holland closed this Joint Docketed Public Hearing. Mayor Brizendine and Planning and Zoning Commissioner Kevin Holland called a Joint Docketed Public Hearing to order, to receive comments from the public, either oral or written, regarding amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Friendswood, adding definitions of Open Space and Green Space. City Planner Diana Steelquist presented an overview of the proposed changes and definitions. No one spoke for or against the Zoning Ordinance amendment. Hearing no further comments, Mayor Brizendine and Planning and Zoning Commissioner Kevin Holland closed this Joint Docketed Public Hearing. Mayor Brizendine and Planning and Zoning Commissioner Kevin Holland called a Joint Docketed Public Hearing to order, to receive comments from the public, either oral or written, regarding amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Friendswood, revisions to the Entryway Overlay District to include additional roadways. City Planner Diana Steelquist presented an overview of the proposed changes of existing Entryway Overlay Districts (EOD) and addition roadway, a more proactive approach. 09/12/05 2378 No one spoke for or against the Zoning Ordinance amendment. Hearing no further comments, Mayor Brizendine and Planning and Zoning Commissioner Kevin Holland closed this Joint Docketed Public Hearing. Mayor Brizendine and Planning and Zoning Commissioner Kevin Holland called a Joint Docketed Public Hearing to order, to receive comments from the public, either oral or written, regarding amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Friendswood, eliminating office space limitations in Community Shopping Center(CSC) and Neighborhood Commercial (NC). Diana Steelquist presented an overview of the proposed changes Bill Finger, 2805 Burr Oak Drive, spoke in opposition of the zone change, would impact sales tax revenue, would increase tax burden, negatively, asked Council to reject these proposals. Public Hearing left open by Council for further input during the Communications from the Public and then the Public Hearing will be closed Planning and Zoning Commissioner Kevin Holland closed the Planning and Zoning Commission portion of the Public Hearing. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Jerry Winburne, 325 Overlook Drive, addressed Council regarding Lakes of Falcon Ridge Subdivision detention pond, addressed the petition that was submitted at the Council meeting of August 15, thanked the City for facilitating meetings with the developers, addressed detention pond, safety threats, asked for the City to assist the citizens in this subdivision, progress has been made during very positive meetings with the City and developer and builder, asking Council to support all detention ponds meet the original agreement before additional development is approved before the original plans are met. Mayor Brizendine recapped that the City has met with the citizenship and developer and has agreed to stay involved in protecting citizenship as far at the law allows. Staff appreciates the cooperation from the residents and commitment. Faye Roberson, 422 West Castle Harbour, did not speak. Jim Hill, 2404 South Friendswood Drive, addressed Council regarding West Ranch drainage and Tree Preservation Ordinance, thanked Dan Johnson for providing information, drainage plans continue to change regularly, the developer's responsibility is to the development process not to the residents, tried to work with the Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District (GCCDD), understands that the City and GCCDD use the same criteria manual and that the City and GCCDD have an Interlocal Agreement that says the City will handle projects under 100 acres and the GCCDD will handle over 100 acres, stated that GCCDD asked the City to ask Friendswood Development Company to cease and desist until there were some plans, wants to know why did the City advised the GCCDD to back out of process. Ron Cox responded that the 100 acres delineation was not correct, stated that the 100 acres delineation that is called for in an Interlocal Agreement is for maintenance and control over drainage areas, the responsibility from GCCDD is to be responsible for maintenance of the major drainage areas that drain over 100 acres in size and the City is responsible for drainage areas and structures that drains under 100 acres in size, agreement allows for GCCDD to review commercial and residential site plans of any sites, both entities review the projects of any sites, GCCDD is involved in this process, GCCDD and City look at drainage impact analysis in April, final plans are now available and are now being reviewed by GCCDD and City, neither have approved the final plans, based on the drainage impact analysis and preliminary plans approved by City, the City issues a development permit that allows the developer to begin to move dirt, but this does not change the drainage patterns. 09/12/05 2379 Jim Hill stated that the drainage has been changed with the project work being done at this time, agreed that some work has improved drainage, the current drainage was built for a 12 inch rainfall, wants the City to know what the developers are doing, does not want fighting between the City and GCCDD, and respects Dan Johnson for his work. Robert Felts, 2402 South Friendswood Drive, did not speak as listed on the agenda. Don Beeth, 5303 Whittier Oaks Drive, addressed Council regarding the agenda packets, stated they used to be available to the public over the internet, now they are secret password protected, this agenda has 178 pages of backup material, there is interesting information in the agenda packets, reflected some of the high points, and stated he is sure Council has not read it, stated he had read the entire packet, but it will be the last time, urged Council to make the agenda packets public again. Mayor Brizendine addressed Mr. Beeth's comments regarding the agenda packets, stated that it is the intention of the City to make the agenda packets available to the public electronically, recognize that other cities do, the City wants to be progressive and formalize the agenda packet process, thanked Mr. Beeth for his comments. Ruth Pifer, 504 Old Course Drive, requested to speak on the Tree Ordinance. Mayor Brizendine advised Ms. Pifer that the Public Hearing for the Tree Ordinance was closed and Council could not receive any additional comments. Jon Johnson, 703 Oak Drive, addressed Council regarding Whitcomb properties, small amphitheatre planned, decibels can be turned up, the old plan had seal of approval for flooding, one year later changed flooding issues, drainage will change the adjacent properties, moving target with other developments, developments are great, developer said does not need amphitheatre to make this development, everyone keep working on and get it right. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT City Manager Ron Cox reported that there are several things going on relative to the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Volunteer Relief Efforts — Many churches, organizations, and individuals are mobilizing to provide relief efforts to those fallen victim to this huge and devastating storm. Several of the churches have formed teams to provide supplies and clothing to the area shelters established in the neighboring communities, including the Astrodome. The Rotary Club is sponsoring an effort to provide a truckload of relief supplies to the residents of Biloxi, Mississippi. City employees voluntarily collected enough bottled water to fill an entire truck bed for those staying in the Astrodome. The City is sure there are others, but these are just a few of the opportunities around us daily. Sheltering — Regarding evacuees, there has been an understandable desire on the part of several groups, including churches to open their doors for sheltering the victims of this storm. The City is very reluctant to sanction such an effort. The City recognizes the need for additional shelters, but our concern is one of emergency management should another hurricane aim itself in our direction. Friendswood, as is all of Galveston County, is in the middle of the evacuation zone. In the event of a hurricane, the City will not have shelters and will be asking our citizens to evacuate. Since this is the middle of the hurricane season, in fact, the peak of the season that will not be over until November, it is important that the City does not establish shelters here. Although the City does not have any control in other jurisdictions, we believe it is not prudent to establish shelters anywhere in Galveston County, even though several have been opened. If a hurricane comes, people in these shelters will have to be moved somehow- they cannot be left behind, and they are without private transportation. That responsibility could befall the shelter sponsor or the City. In addition, the City cannot be responsible for security within those shelters, even though we can respond to calls for service, just as we would any other location. The City is concerned for the overall safety of the community, the sheltering organizers, as well as those being sheltered, and do not believe sheltering in Friendswood is advisable. 09/12/05 2380 Regarding extra police duty at the Astrodome — Chief Wieners, along with approximately 50 other police chiefs in the area, met with Houston Police Chief Harold Hurt last week. Chief Hurt's request was for assistance with security at the Astrodome. His staff is increasing their own personnel time for the Astrodome and the community as a whole, and he does not have the staff to cover the areas adequately. With that, the City has approved Chief Wieners' request for additional overtime authorization to pay off- duty police personnel to work at the Astrodome. The City also authorized the tactical team to be activated at the request of Houston PD should it be necessary. ACTION ITEMS **Councilmember Smith moved to approve an Indemnity Agreement with the Harris-Galveston County Subsidence District for a site location to collect GPS data. Seconded by Councilmember Goza. The motion was approved unanimously. **Councilmember Goza moved to approve overtime expenditures for the Police Department in response to requests for support for the Hurricane Katrina evacuees. Seconded by Councilmember Smith. The motion was approved unanimously. RESOLUTION **Councilmember Measeles moved to approve Resolution R2005-27—A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, adopting a Qualified Tree List as part of the City's Design Criteria Manual. Seconded by Councilmember Ewing. The motion was approved 6-2 with Councilmembers Peden and LeCour opposing. ORDINANCES **Councilmember Measeles moved to approve the Second and Final reading of Ordinance No. T2005-19, An Ordinance amending Appendix C of the Friendswood City Code, said Appendix C being City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 84-15, as amended, originally adopted the 19th day of November, 1984, and being the Zoning Ordinance of the City, by moving the Qualified Tree List defining trees to be used to meet the requirements of this ordinance to the Design Criteria Manual; by changing the diameter of trees which meet the requirements of this ordinance for landscaping and buffer strips from a caliper of two inches to three inches when measured eighteen inches above the natural ground level; by requiring a tree survey showing the location of all trees having a trunk twelve inches or larger in diameter when measured at a point four and one-half feet from natural ground level to be submitted concurrently with or as a part of any development permit application, site plan, or plat for certain specified developments; by deleting therefrom the Qualified Tree List; providing a penalty of an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof; and providing for severability. Seconded by Councilmember Ewing. The motion was approved 4-3 with Councilmembers Goza, Peden, and LeCour opposing. **Councilmember Smith moved to approve the First reading of Ordinance No. T2005-24, An Ordinance adopting and enacting a new code for the City of Friendswood, Texas; providing for the repeal of certain ordinances not included therein; providing a penalty for the violation thereof; providing for the manner of amending such code; and providing when such code and this ordinance shall become effective. Seconded by Councilmember LeCour. The motion was approved unanimously. **Councilmember Smith moved to approve the First reading of Ordinance No. T2005-25, An Ordinance amending Appendix C of the Friendswood City Code, said Appendix C being City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 84-15, as amended, originally adopted the 19th day of November, 1984, and being the 09/12/05 2381 Zoning Ordinance of the City, by changing the zoning classification of a certain 21.77 acre tract of land located near the intersection of Farm to Market Roads 518 and 2351 from Multi-Family Residential — Low Density (MFR-L), Community Shopping Center (CSC), and SUP/Church, to Planned Unit Development (PUD); providing for the granting of a Specific Use Permit for use of such property for religious organization (Church) purposes; providing for the amendment of the City's Official Zoning Map; providing other matters relating to the subject; providing a penalty in an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof; and providing for severability. Seconded by Councilmember Ewing. The motion was approved unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBERS Councilmember Measeles announced he attended the Clear Lake Tourism of Council meeting, will attend the State of the Bay conference over the weekend. Councilmember Peden addressed Mr. Beeth's comments regarding agenda packets, stated that he does read them and was elected to do so, stated that Staff did a phenomenal job in addressing his questions regarding the budget process, and were very helpful and that he appreciates all the help to him, congratulations to Representative Ron Paul, stated he is very good for us and for this community, attended the Clear Lake Tourism of Council meeting and was very impressed. Councilmember Smith addressed the budget process and staff preparation, Councilmembers Peden and LeCour's perspectives were welcome and congratulated them on their educated questions and thanked them for service, thanked the Police Department for all they do and expressed thanks for keeping the City safe. Councilmember Goza reported that he attended several meetings, Falcon Ridge HOA meetings at City Hall and appreciates Staff and the budget process and thanked Staff for their work. Councilmember LeCour reported that he appreciates this Council, and stated each Councilmember has strong opinions, and he will vote his intellect and his conscience, and stated that Council is a team working together. Councilmember Ewing reported that she agrees with Council, appreciate differences, listen to each other, thanked Councilmembers Peden and LeCour for attending the Clear Lake Tourism of Council meeting, thanked Kathy Speer from Community Services for the job she has done and will be retiring end of the month, attended State of the Bay, expressed appreciation for the budget process, stated he does read the agenda packets but would hate to be on the other end putting all of this together with meeting all of the legal requirements, attended the special memorial service for Wesley Canning at Centennial Park, and stated the ceremony was very well done. Mayor Brizendine reported the memorial for Wes Canning was very well attended with a tree dedication at Centennial Park, met with a property owner and the developer from the golf course, property rights conflict, went very well, Friendswood Independent School District education fundraiser is this Sunday, reflect on how well we do in Emergency Management and Fire Marshal Terry Byrd and Staff do an excellent job of preparing the City with planning and practice various roles and decision making process, have a very important meeting at the GCCDD facility with a report from the Corps of Engineers regarding the Clear Creek Project, encourage citizen to attend, will have people from Council and Staff in attendance, and stated it is very important to see how this will impact the City. CONSENT AGENDA **Councilmember Smith moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A. Award of Bid No. 2005- 08 and authorize Mayor to execute contract for Site Construction Work and Utilities for the new Public Safety Building on FM 528. B. Authorize the Mayor to execute a contract with SCL Engineering for 09/12/05 2382 design engineering services for the Deepwood Force Main. C. Authorize disposal of a City Vehicle at Public Auction. D. Authorize License Agreement for Buyout Property at 209 E. Castlewood. E. Authorize Resolution R2005-28, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, authorizing a temporary fuel adjustment fee to be charged by auto wrecker service providers in pertorming police authorized and nonconsent tows within the city. F. Report of Capital Projects Payments. G. Approval of July 2005 Property Tax Report. H. Approve Minutes of August 15, 22, and 29, 2005 Meetings. Seconded by Councilmember Ewing. The motion was approved unanimously. A motion was made and approved to adjourn at 9:46 PM. � �°'v ayor Kimball W. Brizendine Attest: � ,�fl� f R'��a$ C��€o � L� �O De oris McKenzie, TRM � City Secretary * l * - �►�,'�� +!�