HomeMy WebLinkAboutInvestment Committee Minutes 2022-10-24INVESTMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES October 24, 2022 The Investment Committee held a regular meeting on October 24, 2022, at 4:02 p.m. The following members were present: Allan Rasmussen Cynthia Bowman Katina Hampton, Investment Officer Rhonda Bloskas, Deputy Investment Officer Bob Bozka was absent. 1. Committee meeting minutes from July 25, 2022, were reviewed. • Mr. Rasmussen made a motion to accept the minutes with no changes and Ms. Bowman seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. 2. The Committee reviewed and discussed the quarterly investment report for the period ending September 30, 2022. • Ms. Bowman made a motion to accept the investment report for the period ending September 30, 2022, as presented. Mr. Rasmussen seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. 3. The next meeting will be held January 23, 2023. 4. The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m. Minutes approved by: 4�A �tA-� Katina Hampton Investment Officer Date Approved: January 23, 2023 CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD INVESTMENT REPORT FOR THE PERIOD ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2022 SECURITIES: BEGINNING BEGINNING ENDING ENDING YIELDTO PERIOD PERIOD PERIOD PERIOD TRANSACTION CUSIP PRINCIPAL ROOK PURCHASE PURCHASE MATURITY COUPON MATURITY MARKET MARKET MARKET MARKET RATINGS NUMBER NUMBER ISSUER CALL DATE CALLABLE BROKER AMOUNT VALUE PRICE DATE DATE RATE OR CALL PRICE VALUE PRICE VALUE MDY 5&P 121820-01 3133EMLF7 FFCB 7/31/2022 Callable - Ccnbhuous HT 500,000 500,000 100.00 12/18/20 09/22/22 0.120% 0.120% 99,6346 498,173 99.6346 498,173 Aaa AA+ 070721-01 3130AN456 FHLB 71112022 3u1let-190ncallab!e WF 500,025 500,000 100.00 07/07/21 07/O1/22 0.0700/O 0.065% 100.0000 500,000 100.0000 500,000 Aaa AA+ 112320-01 3133EMGX4 FFCB 11/23/2022 Bullet - IlOncallab!e FHN 499,502 500,000 99.90 11/23/20 11/23/22 0.125% 0.175% 99.5655 497,828 99.5655 497,828 Aaa AA+ 112321-02 3laOAPM36 FHLB 1012112022 Bullet - Iloncallab!e WF 499,932 500,000 99.99 11/24/21 10/21/22 0.11001. 0.125% 99.8451 499,226 99.8451 499,226 Aaa AA+ 122321.01 313381 BR5 FHLB 12/9/7022 Bullet - lloncallable WF 507,369 500,000 101.47 12/23/21 12/09/22 1.8750/o 0.320% 99.6768 498,384 99.6768 498,384 Aaa AA+ 010422-02 3130AQGP2 FHLB 12/30/2022 Bullet -Iloncallah7e WF 500,295 500,000 100.06 01/04/22 12/30/22 0.375% 0.315°/n 99.3319 496,660 99.3319 496,660 Aaa AA+ 020620-01 3133ELJHB FFCB 1/23/2023 Bullet - Iloncallable WF 501,780 500,000 100.36 02/06/20 01/73/23 1.600% 1.477% 99.3493 496,747 99.6735 499,368 Aaa AA+ 120920-01 313382AX1 FHLB 3/10/2023 Buret - Noncallal FHN 522,025 500,000 104.41 12/09/20 03/10/23 2,125 % 0.163% 99,1688 495,844 99.5640 497,820 Aaa AA+ 120920-02 3133EMKGG FFCB 212812023 r l le-COngnuo.s HT 500,000 500,000 100.00 12/09/20 06/15/23 0.200% 0.200% 97.0515 485,258 97.8550 489,275 Aaa AA+ 041521-01 3133EMVP4 FFCB 4/13/2023 Bullet-Ilancalla6!e WF 499,930 500,000 99.99 04/15/21 04/13/23 0.125% 0.125% 97.9368 489,684 98.7166 493,583 Aaa AA+ 092721-01 3136G47L1 FNMA 112612023 Callable - Quarte,ly WF 499,872 500,000 99.97 09/27/21 04/26/24 0.350% 0.360010 93.7207' 468,604 94.1816 470,908 Aaa AA+ 112321-01 3130APZR9 FHLB 2/28/2023 Callable - Quartedy HT 500,000 500,000 100.00 11/30/21 11/28/23 0.625% 0.625% 95.5490 477,745 96.0401 480,201 Aaa AA+ 122321-02 3137EAEUS FHLMC 6/10/2023 Bullet - floncaaah!e WF 516,423 500,OD0 103.28 12/23/21 06/19/23 2.750% 0.516% 99.9298 494,649 99.1562 495,781 Aaa AA+ 010422-03 3133ENDK3 FFCB 6/8/2023 Bullet - floncalll WF 498,356 500,OBO 99.67 01/04/22 06/08/23 0.3l 0.582% 97.4474 487,237 98.2204 491,102 Aaa AA+ 012522-02 313OAQQ71 FHLB 1/24/2023 Bullet - floncallab!e WF 499,703 500,000 99.94 01/25/22 01/24/23 0.500-1. 0.5690/0 99.1047 495,524 99.7405 498,703 Aaa AA+ 012522-03 3133ENAL4 FFCB 10/12/2023 Bullet - Noncallable WF 494,909 500,000 98.98 01/25/22 10/12/23 0.290% 0.8910/a 95.9623 479,812 96.5765 482,883 Aaa AA+ 012522-04 3133ENEX4 FFCB 11/24/2073 Bullet - Noacallable WF 496,501 500,000 99.30 01/25/22 11/24/23 0.550% 0.937% 95.8266 479,133 96.1101 480,551 Aaa AA+ 012522-05 3133ENLFS FFCB 1/18/2024 Bullet - Noncallal WF 499,394 500,000 99.88 01/25/22 01/18/24 0,900% 0,962% 95.8924 479,467, 96.1862 480,931 Aaa AA+ 042222-01 3130ARVS7 FHLB 5/19/2023 Callable - one Time HT 500,000 500,000 100.00 OS119122 08/19/24 3.000% 3.001% 97.1556 485,778 97.0530 485,765 Aaa AA+ 042222-02 3133ENVC1 FFCB 4/25/2025 Bullet - Uoncallable HT 407,860 500,000 99,88 04/25/22 04/25/25 2.750% 2.900% 96.4280 482,140 96.1747 480,874 Aaa AA+ 102422-01 3130ATQR1 FHLB 9/23/2023 lm!et- Noncagable HT 50l 500,000 100.00 10/24/22 09/23/23 4.600% 4.604% 99.8376 499,188 Aaa AA+ 120822-01 3137EAEZB FHLMC 11/6/2023 Bu11et-Noncallable WF 500,000 500,000 96.10 12/08/22 11/06/23 0.250% 4.680% 96.2047 481,024 Aaa AA+ 120R22-02 TOTALr 3134GW6E1 FHLMC 111212023 sullet-tloncele le WF 500000 510l l r r r 96.21 12 08 22 11 02 23 ,: t 0.320% 4.680% 96.3445 481723 Aaa AA+ LOCAL GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT POOLS: ASSET YIELD AVERAGE VALUE MONTH MATURITY Texas CLASS POOLED CASH 1,305,053 40.65% Consolidated Cash % of all LGIPS 1 3.8000 78 Texas CLASS GOVERNMENT POOLED CASH 22,510,227 3.3033 104 Texas CLASS 2016 GO Bonds 54,644 Texas CLASS GOVERNMENT 2016 W/S Bands 1,485,252 47.52% Bond Proceeds % of all LGIPS Texas CLASS GOVERNMENT 2017 GO Bonds 288,157 Texas CLASS GOVERNMENT 2018 W/S Bonds 6,186,237 Texas CLASS GOVERNMENT 2020 GO Bonds 1,812,180 Texas CLASS GOVERNMENT 2021 W/S Bonds 14,156,683 Texas CLASS GOVERNMENT 2021 GO Bonds 3,858,136 Total - Texas CLASS 51,656,569 LONE STAR INVESTMENT POOL (Consolidated Cash) 0 M00% Consolidated Cash % of all LGIPS $1.0O TEXPOOL (Consolidated Cash) 6,935,984 Ill Consolidated Cash 0/a of all LGIPS $1.00 2.9833 95 POOL 100.0001O 74.19% Percentage of Total Investments (LGIPS) Pooled Cash - Wells Fargo Bank 11,855,518 15.01% Percentage of Total Investments (Wells Pargo Bank) Cl Earnings offset account analysis fee charges TOTAL INVESTMENTS 78,974,822 100.00-1. TOTAL INVESTMENTS - PREVIOUS QUARTER 82,481,990 Compliance Statement: The Investments for the period are in ccmpifance with the investment strategy expressed in the City's Investment Policy Review: and the Public Funds Investment Act. d to the C ty Investment Committee for its review and to make any changes thereto as determined e n cess ry and prudent for the management of City Funds. 4§�U'LJA Q 1 / 1 1 /2023 Signature: b`A-Fl-Fnb;1: r entOfficer /I Date ' I U 1�] Signature: Deputy Investment Officer Date Pagz t Consolidated Cash - LGIPs Texpool Texas Class 23% 4% Lonestar 0% Texas Class Gov t 73 MTexas Class ■Texas Class Gott OLonestar ■Texpool Consolidated Cash - LGIPs Texas Class $1,3053053 Texpool $6,935,984 Lonestar $0 Texas Class Gott $2235101227 ETexas Class ■Texas Class Gott OLonestar ■Texpool Page 2 Bond Funds - Local Gov't Investment Pools $16,000,000 $14,0002000 $12,000,000 $10,0001000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 2016 2016 2017 2018 2020 2021 2021 GO W/S GO W/S GO W/S GO Bonds Bonds Bonds Bonds Bonds Bonds Bonds Page 3 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 INVESTMENTS BY MATURITY (in years from purchase date) 0.90 1.00 1.40 1.50 1.70 1.90 2.00 2.30 2.60 3.00 Page 4 INVESTMENTS BY POTENTIAL CALL DATE (in number of days from purchase date) 1,600,000 1,400,000 11200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 324 360 468 504 540 612 684 720 828 1080 Page 5 1,600,000 INVESTMENTS BY POTENTIAL CALL DATE OR MATURITY DATE (in number of days from report date - 12/31/2022) 11400,000 11200,000 1/0000000 8000000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 36 72 108 144 180 252 288 324 396 864 Page 6