HomeMy WebLinkAboutFourth of July Steering Committee Minutes 2012-05-164th of July Steering Committee
May 16, 2012
Committee members in attendance:
Stacy Scarpa
Michele Scarpa
Chris Scarpa
Tony Scarpa
Tommy McDonald
Heather McDonald
Dan Morgan
Nicole Morgan
James Toney, Director of Community Services
Kimberly Ramirez, Staff
Michael Boyett, Staff
Drew Pennywell, Staff
Gary Williams, Staff
Billy Enochs, Council Member Liasion
Steve Sluder, FISD Transportation Liasion
Bob Wieners, Chief of Police
1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:11 p.m.
2. Communications from the public: Chief of police, Chief Wieners was at the
meeting and informed the committee on how security is run the day of the
event. Day time differs from the evening program. You'll see police officers in
certain locations at the parade route, that whole situation are not a difficult
situation to manage but a lot different compared to the evening program. 10
years ago when we did the fireworks at Clear Brook, how long did that take to
get that done? Dan stated 2 &1/2 to 3 hours. How long do you think it takes
now at Centennial Park, a lot more time stated Dan? We probably have 10 to
15,000 people at the evening program. Chief asked how many people we have
on duty. That number is 29 officers on duty, and 7 elsewhere on duty outside the
park, so that leaves us 22 officers for 10 thousand people. Chief stated we
haven't had a serious incident and make sure you understand that the main
focus is on the crowd. PD controls the perimeter, and the ones inside the park
have assignments. He stated, I hope we never have an incident but we have to
plan for those events well. After last year there was concern and the area that
was built out and now we have a porous perimeter and people can come and
go in this area and. This is a smart person’s game, and using people is
expensive. Chief suggested using flexible orange fencing, and I want to make
sure we all have the same expectation. If there’s someone walking some place
where there shouldn't be and possibly one of James people can help with that
person or a committee member. We really don't want any privately own
vehicles in the park or near the stage. We’re moving all the command vehicles
to Manison parkway and Falcon Ridge to minimize the amount of traffic that’s in
the parking lot. Chief stated he doesn’t mind if one of James vehicles or a
police car is in the parking lot due to the equipment in those vehicles.
Volunteers can help with the access to the park, but if the person is not
compliant, police or James staff can take over. Having vehicles that we don't
know who they belong to should not be in the parking lot unattended. Nicole
asked if we have enough in the budget for orange fencing. James stated 1700
ft. of orange fencing was donated by West Ranch. Chief stated folks are on
their own program and their there to do what they want, this is why we’re
looking at getting the fencing especially by west ranch which is close to build
out. Nicole asked what’s the deal with the backside of the park. Dan stated we
close that street. Chief stated were going to have an officer on Falcon Ridge
and will have an officer at the firing point of the fireworks. Nicole asked if we
can get PD’s assistance with people walking across the medians before the
parade. Chief stated that Drew, James and Michael will all have police radios.
Dan asked about using a uhf antenna to use our radios that we get from Able
Communications. Chief stated that we get with Matt Wise or Dennis Senter
about hanging the radio antenna. Chief stated we didn’t have a problem with
it we just need to know where you’re going to hang it. FISD stated they will have
1 special needs bus and will be coming in from the front. Steve stated, I think last
year we loaded and unloaded 2 buses at a time, we would like to ask if we can
load 3 buses at a time. We will have 12 propane buses, 10 regular, &1 handicap
bus. Committee would like to have FISD at the June 27th meeting at 6:30pm
3. Discussion and possible action regarding April 18, 2012 minutes: Nicole
Morgan made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, Heather
McDonald second the motion and it passed unanimously.
4. Discussion and possible action regarding the 2012, 4th of July Celebration:
A. Dignitary Breakfast: Nicole stated that we have around $300 to spend for the
breakfast and is planning to use less. She suggested that she want bells and
music notes on the graphic for the badges and the signs.
B. Parade: Stacy stated the additional signs that she requested are going to be
made. She would like to put something on the far end of the street stating 1 way
do not enter. James suggested we can make 1 way signs. We just need it on
the east side. Stacy suggested we need 3 signs stating 1 way, on Pecan and
Morningside. James stated that there is going to be a fly over for the parade.
Heather is in charge of the judges, she still needs 2 judges. Tony suggested using
the Roger’s to judge.
C. Day Program: We will send out the invoice to BMW tomorrow, they have
committed to 4 cars. Stacy is taking care of the first aide booth. We’re going to
spend $2500 on the day entertainment; we have the wristbands and will sell the
bands for $5. So far we have a Water slide, obstacle course and a rock climb
wall. Nicole asked if we have a liability form ready to go. James stated yes.
We need somebody there to sell the bands; Nicole volunteered to sell the
bands. Chris is in charge of the ice. We also need the lock for the ice. Has
anyone requested the use of generators? James Toney stated yes. Committee
suggested putting a couple of volunteers with vest to help traffic at the end of
the parade. Time in the Bottle will be the band for the day program. So far
Friendswood high school cheerleaders and Friendswood P & R Zumba will
entertain during the day program. Friendswood High School FFA will sell brisket.
D. Evening: Band, Stage and Lighting have all been contacted. Tommy stated
we’re working on getting the 3 singers for the night program. James Toney
stated we’re trying to get a sponsor for the food for the evening program. He
stated he will be meeting with a new ATV company to obtain some of the
gators. We will have the skydiving team along with the flyover for the night
program. Committee suggested putting a committee member by the school to
watch that area. James stated PD will take care of that. Committee members
will be staged on the inside. Tommy will get with Alpha Lee. Will have a police
escort leading the gators to the park and after back to city hall.
5. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:37 pm
Next meeting is June 20th, will vote on Mora spirit award and Evelyn B. Newman
Approved by:
Kimberly Ramirez
June 20, 2012